Adding to the long list of fire incidents, on early Monday, over 100 shanties were gutted in a fierce fire at Mohakhali’s Sattola slum. According to fire service, the fire broke out at around 3:57am and it soon engulfed the entire slum area. Total 18 firefighting units rushed to the spot and extinguished the blaze around 6:35am.There were no casualties reported in the incident.Earlier on November 24, 2020, at least 300 shanties and shops at the same slum were destroyed in another massive fire. In December 2016, more than 100 shanties were gutted in fire at the slum. On May 15, 2015, at least 32 shanties were destroyed and some people were injured in a fire at this slum. Also, on October 7, 2012, another fire had gutted over 100 shanties of the slum and left several people injured.Fires at slums in Dhaka, home to many low-income people, are quite common and leave thousands of their residents homeless.